"What's right isn't always popular,What's popular isn't always right"
Albert Einstein
This is a very true quote because sometimes teens do things that are wrong to be popular. Doing the right is not going to make you always popular. An example is when you are in school with your friends and they told you "hey, let's ditch class" and if you say no they are going to get mad at you and you are going to loose popularity but it is the right thing saying no. Also if every body is smoking or drinking at a party and they are like "hey,let's smoke" and you do it because you want to be like all your friends knowing that it is wrong, it brings you popularity but it is wrong.You need to always do the right no matter if it is not popular or if your friends get mad because if they get mad because you don't want to smoke or drink they are not your real friends because the are making you choose the wrong. If you need to choose between being popular or choosing the right, CHOOSE ALWAYS THE RIGHT.
Yes, "Make the wise choice" ;)