Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Malik Stewart Vs Roman Chapa

Malik Stewart Vs Roman Chapa

Malik Stewart is a CTR person he lost the battle but he didn’t got mad, he went to hug the father of the other boy who was dying of cancer.Malik is someone who deserve to be respect.

Rowan Chapa an example of a CTW person he hurt the horse to win. Rowan was just thinking about winning, but no matter if he was the first one to cross the winning line he is a loser because he cheat to win.

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
“I would Prefer even to fail with honor than win by cheating.”
This quote says that winning by cheating is something bad. Sophocles says that he prefer to fail with honor that winning by cheating and I am agree with him because if i lose i want to still have my honor because cheating is something that make you look like a person who doesn’t have honor.Choosing the wrong makes you a person without honor. I wouldn’t respect someone who just for winning cheats. I also would rather lose with honor than cheat to win.
Memorial Day Weekend
In the memorial day weekend I went to the hospital to see my step sister and I  spend the rest of the weekend doing homework and watching Netflix. In Netflix I watch switched at birth. I also spend time with my sister.I finish reading my book call beautiful disaster.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Memorial Day

Memorial Day

  1. Memorial Day is an American holiday observed on the last Monday of May, honors men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971
  2. The purpose of memorial day is to honor Union soldiers, who had died during the American Civil War. It was inspired by the way people in the Southern states honored their dead. After World War I, it was extended to include all men and women, who died in any war or military action.
  3. Memorial Day is on May 30
Ways to show respect in memorial day:
  1. Visit a Massachusetts Veterans’ Cemetery and leave poppies on a grave site.
4.Check out the Veterans History Project online.
5.Fly the flag

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
“ If I’ve got correct goals and if I keep pursuing them the best way i know how, everything else falls into line. If i do the right thing right, I’m going to succeed.”
Dan Dierdorf

This quote means that if you have correct goals is good. When you have correct goals and you keep persuading your going to succeed. Having goals is good but only if you have the right ones. It’s a big difference between good goals and bad goals like if your goal is to ditch all your classes that is bad.

Wellness Specialist

Wellness Specialist
Duties and Responsibilities: Wellness specialists work for schools, local governments, companies or other organizations to suggest, support and train people on their health and fitness goals. The types of concerns are as varied as weight and diabetes prevention and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. A specialist often consults with people directly on lifestyle, eating and exercise habits and may direct an individual to a doctor for any serious health concern.

Salary:$27,296 - $64,389

Education:A wellness specialist often has a degree in a related discipline such as nursing, fitness or sports medicine. There are no specific requirements, but many positions require on-the-job training in addition to certification from accredited wellness organizations such as the International Association of Wellness Professionals.
REFLECTION: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Or Why not?

No  I wouldn’t like to be one because i want to be a pediatrician.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
“The reward for doing right is mostly an internal phenomenon: self-respect, dignity (self-worth), integrity and self-esteem.
Dr.Laura Schlessinger
Reflection: This quote is very true. This quote means that if you right the best reward is the way of how you feel about doing something right like this. It also means that feeling like this with yourself is better than if someone give you money for doing it. How you feel when you do the right thing is the best reward because when you do bad you start feeling bad without dignity and your self-esteem is down. You need to always be a CTR person.Choosing the right is always the best option. Like Dr. Schlessinger says the best reward is an internal phenomenon.

Sports Medicine

Sports Medicine

Duties and Responsibilities: Sports medicine therapists work with athletes and physicians to develop rehabilitation plans. They then work one-on-one with the athlete, executing and overseeing therapeutic techniques and ensuring that the rehabilitation plan stays on course. Sports medicine therapists generally use various special equipment and a number of treatment moralities, such as electrical muscle stimulation, to build athletes' strength and flexibility and promote healing.

Salary: $61,927 - $256,724

Education: Master's degree in sports medicine, physical therapy, or athletic training.
Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one?Why? Why Not?
I don’t want to be one because to be honest is not something that have my attention because i don’t like sports.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement

Philip Riggs' Four Success Tips
1.Work Hard.
2.Follow your passions do things you are interested in doing.
3.Don’t chase after money.
4.Serve others. Do things for others,and good things will come to you.
This tips are really something that you should follow because Phillip follow this tips and now he is a very success person. Phillip is someone who inspired me because i think that what he did is something great and I’m going to listen to his tips because one day i want to be like him.

World Record

World Record

1.Largest Playing Card Structure
2.It measured 10.39 m (34 ft 1.05 in) long, 2.88 m (9 ft 5.39 in) tall and 3.54 m (11 ft 7.37 in) wide, and was created by Bryan Berg (USA) in Macau, China, on 10 March 2010.
It took Bryan Berg 44 days to complete the structure which was made of 218,792 cards.
3.march 10,2010

This is the most incredible record because i think is impossible to do it because you need to have a lot of concentration when you do it.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

student success statement reflection

“ You knew what i was when you pick me up”
This means that the men knowing that the snake was dangerous he hold the snake her and when he live the snake in the ground the snake bit him. he knew that the snake was dangerous but he still carried her the men did bad and his actions have consequences. This teach you that if you know something is bad don’t do anything that can cost you something bigger like you’re life.

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
“In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing.”
Theodore Roosevelt

I like this quote. This quote means that when you need to decide something the best thing you can do is do the right thing. An example is that if you need to choose between taking responsibilities for you act or say a lie you need to decide the right thing.
You always need to decide to do the right thing like Theodore Roosevelt.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
“ It’s A GREAT MOMENT when someone has character  to step up and do the right thing at the right time”
Pam Knox

I like this quote. This quote means that every person needs to have the character to do the right thing at the right time. There are persons that you know that are doing bad like an example is when your friend is coping in a test you need to tell the teacher because that the right thing to do. Pam Knox have a lot of reason when she say this because you need to do the right thing when you know someone is doing bad but you need to know when is the right time to say it. An example is when someone cheat in a game you need to say it before he wins doing cheat. Sometimes you need to choose between your friends or doing the right thing but you need to know that real friends don’t get mad at you when you try to help them saying the true. Be a CTR person.

Speech Pathologist

Speech Pathologist

Duties and Responsibilities: Speech pathologists diagnose and treat individuals who suffer from stutters, as well as vocal and cognitive communication impairments. They also help those whose speech is affected by emotional issues, various learning disabilities and physical impairments, such as a cleft palate. To accomplish these tasks, speech pathologists conduct specialized testing and provide therapy designed for individual clients' needs.
Salary: $46,385 - $99,104
Education: Almost all states require speech-language pathologists to be licensed. A license requires at least a master's degree and supervised clinical experience. Many states require graduation from an accredited master's program to get a license. For specific requirements, contact your state's medical or health licensure board.
Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? or Why Not?
Yes i would like to be one because working with kids is something that i like because i love helping people but most i love helping kids.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
“ I have been asked what I mean by “word of honor”
I will tell you; Place me behind prison walls-walls of stone ever so high, ever so thick, reaching ever so far into the ground-there is a possibility that in some way or another i might be able to escape, but stand me on the floor and draw a chalk line around me and have me give my word of honor never to cross it. Can I get out of the circle? No, never i’d die first.”
Karl G. Maeser
I like this quote. This quote means that if you give someone your word you need to follow your word. For example if you tell someone that you are never going to lie to him or her that’s exactly what you need to do never lie. If you give you word you need to do what you say because if you don’t do it, it makes you look like a liar that doesn't have word. For Mr. Maeser the word of honor was the most important thing on his live because no matter what he would always follow his word he prefer to die before breaking his word.

Medical Scientist

Medical Scientist
Duties and Responsibilities: The purpose of a medical scientist' job duties is to discover new methods of enhancing human health. The end result of these procedures and research is to come up with new treatment options, drugs and vaccines. Medical scientists perform research on specimens, such as bacteria and viruses, then regularly perform reviews, clinical investigations and write technical reports during this research process.

Salary: $90,230

Education: Doctoral or professional degree.

Reflection: Do you like to be one? Why or Why not?

Yes I would like to be one because i like the sciences and I think that doing experiments is very excited.

Monday, May 2, 2016

student success statement

The 10 Indian commandments

  1. Treat the Earth and all that dwells therein with respect.
  2. Remain close to the Great Spirit.
  3. Show great respect to your fellow beings.
  4. Work together to the benefit of all mankind.
  5. Give assistance and kindness wherever needed.
  6. Do what you know be right.
  7. Look after the well-being of mind and body.
  8. Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good.
  9. Be truthful and honest at all times.
  10. Take full responsibility for your actions.

Reflection: I think that the 10 commandments are really good.


Duties and Responsibilities: Reflexologists work with patients to help them ease the stress and tension in their lives. They perform therapeutic massage techniques to stimulate pressure points in patients' hands and feet. Some reflexologists also work with pressure points around the ears. Reflexologists usually use their fingers and thumbs to stimulate specific areas, while other massage professionals use the entirety of their hands. Self-employed or business-owning reflexologists may also carry out managerial tasks, such as bookkeeping, scheduling appointments and marketing their services.
Salary: $39,760
Education:Step 1: Obtain a Post-secondary Education. Aspiring reflexologists can complete a massage therapy certificate or associate's degree program that includes courses in reflexology.
Step 2: Get a State License and/or National Certification.
Step 3: Secure Employment.
Reflection:Do you think you would like to be one? Why or Why Not?
No i wouldn’t because i want to be a pediatrician because i want to work only with babies.